LGBTQ + Pride = Spirit of Sodom

In the previous podcast we learned about the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah that were infamously homosexual with pride. As a result of their lifestyle they were destroyed with fire and brimstone. Proverbs 16:18 “Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall.” Therefore anyone participating in pride month does not realize that they are celebrating their own …

Renew our Days as of Old 9: The Wake Up Call

Romans 13:11 “And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed.” The calling to this truth is truly a blessing that many do not receive. But it does come with challenges that are unexpected by newcomers. Once you know the times to celebrate …

Renew our Days as of Old 5: Don’t be a Fool

On April 1st the custom of pulling pranks will be observed by many. But do you know the origin of this day or if it is only about pranks? This custom began in ancient Rome, as commoners will disguise themselves as nobility for devious hoaxes. Proverbs 26:19 “So is the man that deceiveth his neighbour, and saith, Am not I …

Renew our Days as of Old 6: Bait and Switch

When it comes to holidays the bait has always been that it is about Christ. However most of the worldly holidays are not mentioned in the Bible, especially by name. Except for one, which is Easter and only in the King James Version of the Bible. This one time occurrence shows the masterful switch the Roman Catholic Church orchestrated against …

I Want To Be HEARD 2: The Head

Oftentimes when someone newly has come into the truth they might be praying incorrectly. This is because coming from the world and the churches they have been trained to pray a certain idolatrous way. A manner in which almost every religion in this world worships. Therefore when presenting themselves, they are not accepted of God because it is not done …

Prepare Thy Soul For Temptation 2

Back in the days when recording on cassette tape, you would have an abrupt interruption because the tape would end. Then you had to flip it to the other side, and this is how you get a part 2. Similarly we spoke about the improvements and features of the 12T.CO Radio Page and now we will continue to next part …

Prepare Thy Soul For Temptation 1

Now that our 20th Anniversary has newly been reached, we have uploaded our first class ever recorded on cassette tapes. Well, let’s first mention that it has been already a few months since the 12T.CO Radio page was updated. I know what you’re thinking, there is no STN post about it? That is due to the fact that other portions …

Wicked Sayings: Ignorance is Bliss

James 3:8 “But the tongue can no man tame; it is an unruly evil, full of deadly poison.” One of the most harmful sayings that is widely believed is that ignorance is bliss. As a matter of fact, the cause of our calamity and oppression is due to our ignorance, especially in regards to our history. Since we lack knowledge …

The 3 Kings Myth

2nd Timothy 4:4 “And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.” This prophecy spoken by the Apostle Paul has been fulfilled. Although this warning has been given to us many generations ago, our people follow fables that are destructive. Celebrations like Christmas and Three Kings Day have mythical characters that children are …

Education: When to Begin Teaching YOUR Children

Shalam (Peace) brothers and sisters: Parents all over the United States are preparing for their children to return back to school. In a post related to education, it was discussed how resources are bleak in the public school system. An example of how financial resources are simply not enough, was shown recently in the “I Promise” school backed by Lebron …

Bethink Themselves

Tomorrow night (3/14/2022) is an example of why we should continually seek our history, beyond the month of February. Deuteronomy 32:7 “Remember the days of old, consider the years of many generations: ask thy father, and he will shew thee; thy elders, and they will tell thee.” Since tomorrow will be a Sabbath in the which we celebrate the victory …

Renew our Days as of Old 7: Lupercalia to Valentines

Ten days before Valentines we shared with you a flyer regarding its origins, asking our people to show courage and true love. Today’s podcast shows the ramifications of being ROMAN-tic. Also how it is impossible for this day to be Christian. John 8:31 “Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, If ye continue in my word, then …

Their Dream

From very young we are influenced by the powers that be in regards to our identity and history. The narrative they give our children is to continue dreaming but never to pursue it with methods that will lead to success. For example the portrayal of Martin Luther King does not emphasize in what happened during his lifetime and after his …

Plagues: 6-prong plan is not about Fr66dom

To vaxx or not to vaxx, that is the controversial question. While we sit and research the pros and cons and listen to endless discussions and news reports about the subject, we find ourselves in a great deal of distress and uncertainty. Questioning everybody and everything. Should we place our trust in politicians, state officials, health experts etc. who’ve been …

For the Generations: Education

Shalam (Peace) brothers and sisters:When examining the spending habits of the wealthy towards their children, they invest greatly in their education. Therefore they do not have the common complaints of our people in regards to the public school system. Proverbs 27:24 “For riches are not for ever: and doth the crown endure to every generation?” The wealthy know that passing …

For the Generations: Accountability

Shalam (Peace) brothers and sisters: Our people have been taught by religions to not take accountability. Therefore in matters pertaining to their life they do not consider their actions to be the cause of their suffering. Psalms 107:17 “Fools because of their transgression, and because of their iniquities, are afflicted.” From generation to generation the same complaints are heard along …

Sabbath Your Minds: The Feasts

Did you know that there are days similar to the Sabbath? Those days are called holy convocations (gathering) just like the Sabbath. Leviticus 23:2 “Speak unto the children of Israel, and say unto them, Concerning the feasts of the LORD, which ye shall proclaim to be holy convocations, even these are my feasts.” A unknown fact is that the Sabbath …

Sabbath Your Minds: The Meaning

In this class we took some time to explain the meaning of the word Sabbath. After listening, if you reflect on the past few classes titled “Sabbath Your Minds” it will be easy to admit that what said in this class is true. Weren’t the words you heard in the past “Sabbath Your Minds” comforting? Those lessons gives you insight …

Wicked Saying: That’s Your Interpretation

This saying has been used often to avoid correction and teachings from the scriptures. Most think they could dismiss anything said to them within the scriptures as the interpretation of that person, to keep themselves separated either by religions or organizations. The real question is whether they believe the scriptures rather than whether the interpretation belongs to that person. Since …

I Want To Be HEARD!

This generation wants an audience and a following in many platforms, but if you’re like me, you just want to be heard by God. Then the question of whether my prayer is acceptable or am I praying properly is a concern. There are many misconceptions and ignorance pertaining to prayer, to the point that it is a hindrance. Today’s lesson …

Renew our Days as of Old 4: Are you OK with worshiping Satan?

Shalam (Peace) brothers and sisters: Naturally no one will say yes to this question, but this is exactly what is happening! Have you considered what you are really celebrating? Before you try to make an excuse and say, that it is not your intention or that it means something different now. We want to warn you that God had dealt …

Corona Lesson: Innocency

The pandemic has revealed this year many hypocrisies; whether it was within the government, society, or among our people. Job 17:8 “Upright men shall be astonied at this, and the innocent shall stir up himself against the hypocrite.” While the past few lessons focused on maintaining spiritual, mental, and emotional well-being; none of this is possible without having innocency before …

Corona Lesson: Don’t Worry

An interesting fact is that in Old English the word worry meant to be killed from a bite of a dog or wolf in strangulation. Also that this word does not exist in the entire Bible. Our modern definition used to describe when a person is troubled in their thoughts, suffering anxiety, distressed, and thinking negatively about their problems are …

Corona Lessons: Stability

During times of uncertainty and troubles the common reaction is to panic. Imagine if you had a place you could always turn to in those trying times. Instead of being lost and not seeing the positive that some situations present. 1st Corinthians 9:26 “I therefore so run, not as uncertainly; so fight I, not as one that beateth the air:” …

Voting is Wicked!

There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. This is not being said because of the Donald Trump supporters, it is instead the false notion of a democracy. It is as if the voters of this current election have amnesia, since the votes of last presidential race did not decide who became president. …

The Census is Wicked

Every ten years our people participate in the census and do not realize that it is wicked. Our lack of knowledge is used against us by those in power to cause us to commit sin against God. Job 9:24 “The earth is given into the hand of the wicked: he covereth the faces of the judges thereof; if not, where, …

Sabbath Your Minds: Let your hands BE STRONG

Our people are living in difficult times, suffering affliction in various ways. Often we could talk about the issues we are suffering but we are blinded by what the solutions might be. This upcoming Sabbath will be the day of Atonement (9/25/2020 at sundown), which is the fast that God commanded. On this day we seek to reconcile with the …

Sabbath Your Minds: Marvelous Prophecies

When you have famous people that are rich speaking now publicly of the hidden fact that we are indeed the children of Israel. Then it must mean that the prophecies of the Heavenly Father are marvelous. But we must remember what Christ said that often the rich will give up the kingdom to keep their status. Matthew 19:23 “Then said …

Sabbath Your Minds: Fasting in Babylon

It is a great thing to know your history because in the past it was prophecies. Now we could appreciate the fact that it was fulfilled. In ancient Babylon our forefathers learned their lesson quick and decided to turn back to the heavenly Father. By trusting in the prophecies they received the expected results; freedom from the Babylonian captivity. Could …

Strange Science: The Theory of Everything

scribe to the scientists: Jeremiah 17:5 “Thus saith the LORD; Cursed be the man that trusteth in man, and maketh flesh his arm, and whose heart departeth from the LORD.” The word theory doesn’t exist in the Bible, however people put more faith in theories than the word of God. The word theory was used in ancient times by the …

What is the Church?

Shalam (Peace) brothers and sisters: Matthew 16:18 “… upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” Notice that Christ did not say he will build churches, as in many but as of one. This caused me to ask, then what is the Church? Remember a while back when hurricane Harvey …

For the Generations – Intro

Shalam (Peace) brothers and sisters: Ecclesiastes 1:4 “One generation passeth away, and another generation cometh: but the earth abideth for ever.” As the generations come and go, one thing remains the same, our suffering. It is expected for a person from another nation to be uninformed in regards to the conditions of our people. Why should they be concerned when …

Introduction to the 12 Tribes of Israel

Shalam (Peace) brothers and sisters, We are living in a time where picking up your Bible to read about the prophecies is important. Revelations 1:3 “Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein: for the time is at hand.” Imagine picking it up for the first …

Renew our Days as of Old 3: Spring of the Year

The subject of a calendar is difficult enough to discuss. Add to this the fact that our upbringing might make us think something else is strange. Hosea 8:2 “I have written to him the great things of my law, but they were counted as a strange thing.” In some cases our instinct would try to make us explain away even …

Renew our Days as of Old 2: Happy New Year

Greetings to twelve tribes scattered,We want to wish you all a happy New Year, since tonight begins the first month of the Hebrew Calendar. We have returned to briefly discuss how people think of the Holy Days of God. Removing some of the excuses and encouraging our people to celebrate righteously. Also to notify you that tonight the radio station …

Why our people Hate their History?

When the Bible is mentioned the first thing you think is; a religious book. However it is more than that, for the past few days we have shared lessons that demonstrate Deuteronomy 28 is our history. For the 4th Day of Deuteronomy 28 we have to ask ourselves, why any other time our people are not interested in their history? …

Law of Moses or of God? episode 4

Learning from the beginning of the scriptures reveals to us the desire of our Creator. Ephesians 2:10 “For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.” In this class we learn an obvious example of a commandments (law) that provides evidence that it was given by …

Renew our Days as of Old: Introduction

To begin afresh, it takes some evaluation. Then you will be able to devote yourself properly to your goals. Otherwise the purpose of renewing yourself is a pointless ritual, sabotaged by superstition. Psalms 51:10 “Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me.” From within, if the desire to be renewed is true then …

Sayings NOT in the book of Proverbs

This will be the start of a new series called “Wicked Proverbs of Today”. The title may seem confusing but when you listen to this introduction it will clearly explain why there are some proverbs which means sayings that are wicked. Obviously those sayings do not come from the book of Proverbs. However they are very popular among our people, …

Tis the Mean Season!

The Israelites want no folly,Navigating through life this week you might have heard, “Happy Holidays”. As if the person saying it celebrates the Feast of Dedication or what they might call Hanukkah. In this society, we are taught from little that this is the season greetings. They say that religion is forbidden in public schools but just like the Greeks …

Law of Moses or of God? episode 3

Shalam (Peace) Brothers and Sisters,
The previous podcast briefly explained the reason for use of the phrase “Law of Moses”. The history is mind blowing especially what God said in relation to the teachings of Moses. It might explain why Christ said in Matthew 5:17 “Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil.”

Download Law of Moses or of God?

Law of Moses or of God? episode 1

Shalam (Peace) Brothers and Sisters,
An interesting phrase that comes up in the Bible is the “Law of Moses”. But what does it exactly mean? Did Moses make up these laws himself? How do we know the difference between what is God’s law and those that belong to Moses? These questions are important to explore. Hopefully this lesson could establish the difference.

Download Law of Moses or of God?

Do you have Enough?

Today is widely recognized as Saint Valentines Day and many will be purchasing gifts for their amorous interests. Unfortunately there is not enough love. Are you going to continue wasting your resources? Contrary to popular belief the origins of this day does not have anything to do with celebrating the death of a saint that married couples. Even if it was so that is still idolatrous; Deuteronomy 26:14 “I have not eaten thereof in my mourning, neither have I taken away ought thereof for any unclean use, nor given ought thereof for the dead: but I have hearkened to the voice of the LORD my God, and have done according to all that thou hast commanded me.” As the History Channel’s website declares clearly it is an effort to so call Christianize the pagan celebration of Lupercalia. It further explains that Pope Gelasus ended the celebration of Lupercalia by imposing another celebration that had nothing to do with love.

If there is true love there will be no need to buy an expensive gift. Romans 13:8 “Owe no man any thing, but to love one another: for he that loveth another hath fulfilled the law.” The way you show love to any, especially your woman or love interest is by keeping the laws towards her. Don’t treat her like a cheap whore, but owe her your love all the days of your life. Song of Solomon 1:2 “Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth: for thy love is better than wine.” A real sister that is a woman of virtue understands that your love is better than a wine and dine. Unlike these pagans that have weird rituals, or the women today that might celebrate this year with Donald and next year with another chump; Proverbs 28:19 “He that tilleth his land shall have plenty of bread: but he that followeth after vain persons shall have poverty enough.”

Wasted Expenses

It would be very strange for a person to reject money; in fact many seek and even pay for financial advice. Debt, and misuse of finances is one of the causes of poverty. The truth is that no one likes to take accountability for their actions therefore they do not seek to rectify and give themselves a chance. People do not want to hear the truth for free but they will pay to hear something that they cannot achieve in relation to money. It takes discipline and diligence to make progress. Proverbs 22:11 He that loveth pureness of heart, for the grace of his lips the king shall be his friend.Otherwise if you do not like to be spoken words from a pure heart there will be nothing but waste. Luke 15:13 “And not many days after the younger son gathered all together, and took his journey into a far country, and there wasted his substance with riotous living.”


The Generations

In this time period is hard to find examples of good parents. What you will typically find in the news or online is how the love of many parents has turned cold. In the scriptures we find that our righteous forefathers had great care of their children and future generations. By their faith they obtained promises and wealth that they passed down far into the future. Genesis 17:7 And I will establish my covenant between me and thee [Abraham] and thy seed [children] after thee in their generations for an everlasting covenant, to be a God unto thee, and to thy seed after thee.”


A Snowy Day

Today I was fortunate to be home while it was a snowy day in NYC. Lately I have been meditating on a few ideas to record about but the one that stood out is the recent weather conditions. Don’t worry this podcast is not about any forecast, I’m not a meteorologist. Instead is about some simple facts that we might know and overlook that could make a difference at how we continue living.

Good Habit #3: dude HELP YOURSELF!

The title sounds a little funny but all I could tell you is that there is no Ashtun Kutcher on this one. Once you hear the class you will understand this statement and how true it is. I have met many that sought help, however they did not want to take the steps required. Many that were given the answers to their problems but they thought “it’s too simple” or “it can’t be this easy”. At some point you have to ask yourself from where comes my help? Many in the holy book needed help which they received. One thing they all had in common is that it took action and faith. While some will only trust in their own hands believing that their achievements was without help. They have no peace, all they do is think of their troubles and can’t sleep. They are consumed by the world and choked on every side.

P.S. this class was featured on our radio station and it was meant to be during the feast of dedication which has ended.