Good Habit #3: dude HELP YOURSELF!

The title sounds a little funny but all I could tell you is that there is no Ashtun Kutcher on this one. Once you hear the class you will understand this statement and how true it is. I have met many that sought help, however they did not want to take the steps required. Many that were given the answers to their problems but they thought “it’s too simple” or “it can’t be this easy”. At some point you have to ask yourself from where comes my help? Many in the holy book needed help which they received. One thing they all had in common is that it took action and faith. While some will only trust in their own hands believing that their achievements was without help. They have no peace, all they do is think of their troubles and can’t sleep. They are consumed by the world and choked on every side.
P.S. this class was featured on our radio station and it was meant to be during the feast of dedication which has ended.