Corona Lesson: Don’t Worry

An interesting fact is that in Old English the word worry meant to be killed from a bite of a dog or wolf in strangulation. Also that this word does not exist in the entire Bible. Our modern definition used to describe when a person is troubled in their thoughts, suffering anxiety, distressed, and thinking negatively about their problems are not without solutions. To worry is a common issue among so many; that psychologist attempt to normalize it as a positive feeling. However there is no winning sides to torturing yourself. Apocrypha Ecclesiasticus 30:21 “Give not over thy mind to heaviness, and afflict not thyself in thine own counsel.” Often you will stress about things that are not important, like bills, money, work, past regrets, relationships, etc.. In some cases your suffering stress about a problem doesn’t even exist. With wisdom you will gain stability spiritually and be free of cares. Hey, if you did not learn it the easy way, corona taught many the lesson that these are things that you are not to worry about. If it ain’t in the Bible then why you worrying about it? Instead of focusing on the problem, focus on the solution.