Plagues: 6-prong plan is not about Fr66dom

To vaxx or not to vaxx, that is the controversial question. While we sit and research the pros and cons and listen to endless discussions and news reports about the subject, we find ourselves in a great deal of distress and uncertainty. Questioning everybody and everything. Should we place our trust in politicians, state officials, health experts etc. who’ve been …

Corona Lesson: Innocency

The pandemic has revealed this year many hypocrisies; whether it was within the government, society, or among our people. Job 17:8 “Upright men shall be astonied at this, and the innocent shall stir up himself against the hypocrite.” While the past few lessons focused on maintaining spiritual, mental, and emotional well-being; none of this is possible without having innocency before …

The Census is Wicked

Every ten years our people participate in the census and do not realize that it is wicked. Our lack of knowledge is used against us by those in power to cause us to commit sin against God. Job 9:24 “The earth is given into the hand of the wicked: he covereth the faces of the judges thereof; if not, where, …

Census or Sin is US

Shalam (Peace) Brothers and Sisters, All throughout the Bible plagues are mentioned, but what people fail to recognize is that they are sent by God. In our history we read of Pharaoh hardening his heart (mind), many are following in his footsteps. By not realizing that plagues of all kinds are sent because of sin. COVID-19 has affected many lives …