Renew our Days as of Old 5: Don’t be a Fool

On April 1st the custom of pulling pranks will be observed by many. But do you know the origin of this day or if it is only about pranks? This custom began in ancient Rome, as commoners will disguise themselves as nobility for devious hoaxes. Proverbs 26:19 “So is the man that deceiveth his neighbour, and saith, Am not I …

New Year’s Eve

New Year loading

Usually when following a tradition the person is aware of its origins and purpose, this is not the case with our people. However, the prophecies declare that a time will come when our people will realize that their traditions are based on falsehood. Like as when a child finds out that Santa Claus does not exist. Jeremiah 16:19 “O LORD, …

Renew our Days as of Old 8: Changing Times

The Hebrew new year is approaching, it will be tonight, March 31st at evening. Everyday prophecies are being fulfilled that ultimately lead to our salvation and for this reason we must uphold the standards of the most High. We find it necessary to always remind you to be faithful and to keep the holy days of God that speak of …

The time is fulfilled its the New Year

Every new moon (month) we are commanded to blow the trumpet. Psalms 81:3 “Blow up the trumpet in the new moon, in the time appointed, on our solemn feast day.” According to the Bible the second coming of Christ approaches with every passing day. Nobody wants on that day to get destroyed, to avoid that we must renew ourselves just …

Renew our Days as of Old 4: Are you OK with worshiping Satan?

Shalam (Peace) brothers and sisters: Naturally no one will say yes to this question, but this is exactly what is happening! Have you considered what you are really celebrating? Before you try to make an excuse and say, that it is not your intention or that it means something different now. We want to warn you that God had dealt …

Renew our Days as of Old 3: Spring of the Year

The subject of a calendar is difficult enough to discuss. Add to this the fact that our upbringing might make us think something else is strange. Hosea 8:2 “I have written to him the great things of my law, but they were counted as a strange thing.” In some cases our instinct would try to make us explain away even …

Renew our Days as of Old 2: Happy New Year

Greetings to twelve tribes scattered,We want to wish you all a happy New Year, since tonight begins the first month of the Hebrew Calendar. We have returned to briefly discuss how people think of the Holy Days of God. Removing some of the excuses and encouraging our people to celebrate righteously. Also to notify you that tonight the radio station …

A Snowy Day

Today I was fortunate to be home while it was a snowy day in NYC. Lately I have been meditating on a few ideas to record about but the one that stood out is the recent weather conditions. Don’t worry this podcast is not about any forecast, I’m not a meteorologist. Instead is about some simple facts that we might know and overlook that could make a difference at how we continue living.