Happy New Year!

You might be thinking to yourself that we are a few months late in wishing you a blessed New Year. However according to God, and the calendar that he gave us in the Bible the New Year entered last night on March 20th. What is called today the Hebrew calendar is in fact the proper way to observe time. Deuteronomy 16:1 Observe the month of Abib, and keep the passover unto the LORD thy God: for in the month of Abib the LORD thy God brought thee forth out of Egypt by night.” The modern calendar that most are familiar with, in which the name of March applies to this time period, comes from the Romans.

That means our people have become more familiar with a man made calendar than the one their Creator gave them. Ironically the Romans used to celebrate their new year in March, which is still reflected in their calendar. But during the rule of Julius Caesar, the change was made to January 1st which was unnatural and contrary to God and the knowledge that all nations possessed. When you learn to Observe the month of Abib the knowledge gained will help to restore the holidays (holy days) that you should keep. It will remove the deception that has been placed on us, for the purpose of worshiping false gods (Satan). Finally for the past year we have worked hard to bring back the entire section of reports that outline the feasts. We hope you start the year right by studying about Abib; for more information visit https://riseisrael.com/abib.html.

The calendar used today is very different from what was instituted during the creation. The beginning of months is determined by the New Moons, which affect how to keep many of the feast days.