Although you could directly download from our site the Bible Readings audio, some find podcast apps to be convenient. The scriptures say (Matthew 10:8) freely ye have received, freely give. The word of the Heavenly Father should not be for sale or to receive financial gains, by anyone. As we should all know, the Hebrew word Sabbath means rest, hence …
Yesterday we introduced Bible Readings on the radio station to assist you in the one year plan. Today we want to introduce to you a new feature on The Scripture website. As audio files are uploaded, each chapter within the Online Bible will reflect the change. More importantly the audio file is available for download directly from the site. This …
With the beginning of a new month its a great opportunity for those that want to begin reading the Bible. The most popular book in the world is the Bible; over 100 million are sold or given away every year. It is ironic, how the vast majority of people have never read it entirely. Many that possess this book use …