Who are the Children Israel PDF

The most popular report that we had on our website was “Who are the Children of Israel?”. The numbers spoke for themselves with the many unique visit hits that we received monthly. It was also a gateway for other reports that prove the Biblical nationality of the so called African American, Negros, Native American Indians, and Hispanics. Thus it became priority on our list to improve it in every sense and restore it as soon as possible. Our first step is the breakdown itself; without any pictures nine more pages were written explaining the prophecies. Today we want to present you the Printer Friendly Version. Over a decade this report helped wake up many to their nationality. We hope that this version of the report will help a new generation of Israelites. We know our people like to see pictures even though it is a printer friendly version and we are working on it. This will be completed when we finish typing up the Spanish version since the pics will get in the way while we are using the file. Please help spread the truth by sharing the link also printing it out and giving it to friends and family.
P.S. we know so called Sundays for many is a boring day with nothing to watch, read this it wont disappoint you trust me this is a good read.
Permanent link: http://www.riseisrael.com/docs/israel.pdf