New Moon Dates of 2024

Those of us that believe in the Creator understand that he made everything with a purpose. 2nd Esdras 6:45 “Upon the fourth day thou commandedst that the sun should shine, and the moon give her light, and the stars should be in order:” Verse 46: “And gavest them a charge to do service unto man, that was to be made.” …

Renew our Days as of Old: Introduction

To begin afresh, it takes some evaluation. Then you will be able to devote yourself properly to your goals. Otherwise the purpose of renewing yourself is a pointless ritual, sabotaged by superstition. Psalms 51:10 “Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me.” From within, if the desire to be renewed is true then …

The Mark

In this audio lesson we continue where we left off; Knowing the Time tape #2. So far we have learned about the beasts spoken of in Daniel chapter 7 and Revelations 13. The scriptures identified the fourth beast as the Roman Empire that has revived. As an example that the prophecy is true and has been fulfilled is today’s calendar. For instance the month of July was named after Julius Caesar. Since he introduced the Julian Calendar and it is the month of his birth. Previously the month was named Quintilis which means fifth (month). Is it a coincidence that the calendar used to day is completely different from the Heavenly Father’s? How come it is wrong to celebrate what the most High God commanded or it is no longer required but we MUST celebrate what is in this new calendar? Why is there a striking resemblance with America’s July 4th the Independence Day and the ancient Roman festival Populifugia where the founder of Rome dies on July 5th? I pray the lesson will help answer some of those questions. Shalam!

P.S. the above picture shows the Romans spoiling (robbing) the Temple of the most High during the Destruction of Jerusalem in 70 A.D.  Just like they stole from your heart your heritage!
