Commandment for the Teachers

We desire for our brothers and sisters that faithfully are seeking the most High to find the website to be a place of learning. Apocrypha Ecclesiasticus 51:23 “Draw near unto me, ye unlearned, and dwell in the house of learning.” For this reason we review the website from the point of view of a new person trying to learn. Attempting to make the gospel (GOOD NEWS) of deliverance to the descendants of captives (slaves) simple or easy to comprehend and painless to find. But we fear that many let Satan beguile them from learning charity by keeping that sensual spirit of separation.
As the website grows in content we hope your faith grows as well and encourage you to fulfill prophecy. Be mindful that everyone is fulfilling prophecy in some way. Judas Iscariot was chosen but Satan entered him to betray Christ; that was written before it happened. While a little known sister by the name of Mary who was the sister of Lazarus honored our King and for that she is to be remembered. Her act was also written ages before she was born. The impact you could have is written, but do not forget that is up to you what the outcome will be. Shalam!